The session
“My land, your land, “our land” is a systemic instructional format where colleagues ‘step in each other’s shoes’ and share the perceptions present of each other’s role, team, department or organisation. In addition, you and your colleagues will look at what you can bring from each other’s team, department or organisation to your own.
Step by step, you (physically) and your colleagues will move from one ‘country’ to another. How does it feel to be here? What do you see around you? What do you experience? What goes well? What are you running into? How do you look at cooperation with other teams and/or departments? While you and your colleagues in another ‘country’ answer these questions, colleagues in the country in question listen with attention. They will then have the opportunity to respond to your perception of their country. To what extent do the colleagues’ perceptions overlap with the experienced day-to-day reality? This is what you discuss together. In this way, you create more understanding for each other and each other’s work. Finally, you look at what you want to take away from each other’s country to make the overall organisation more effective.